Sunday, 13 May 2018

Catherine the Great

Catherine the Great: Princess of Anhalt Zerbst , Empress of All Russia, and Lover of Greyhounds

Catherine the Great with her favourite Greyhound, Zemira

I became aware of this portrait because of my youngest son.  I don't want to mention his real name on the blog, but since I am a huge Star Wars fan, I will call him "Luke".  "Luke" told me to look it up after he saw it during one of his high school classes, and I was happy he thought of me.  

Catherine's reign was from 1762-1796 and Russia grew, thrived, and modernized during this time.  She loved Italian Greyhounds and kept many as companions throughout her reign.  When this portrait was painted in 1794 she requested the artist (Borovikovsky) paint her doing what she loved most: walking in the park with Zemira.  

Zemira was greatly loved in life and greatly mourned in death.  Unfortunately, Catherine's cemetary with Zemira's large tombstone (engraved "Beloved Dog of the Great Queen") no longer remains, but there is a life-sized porcelain figure of her still on display at Peterhof Palace ("The Russian Versaille") in St. Petersburg.  

This is what it looks like:

Image result for zemira peterhof palace

If I ever make it to Russia, Catherine the Great and her Greyhounds will be on my mind.   And if I ever have a Greyhound, I will probably name her Zemira. 

Our dogs love us whether we are a cashier, a farmer, a bank teller, or the Empress of Russia.  Let's always show them the same love and loyalty in return. 

Thanks "Luke"!